NYR'13 day 326Deimonian on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/deimonian/art/NYR-13-day-326-415194822Deimonian

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NYR'13 day 326



day 326 of trying not to suck, i'm running out of things to write in this segment.

it looks fine at first but when you look closer the anatomy is actually fucked up, and that's AFTER i fixed it, i don't even know, and no shading because i'm out of time because i spent too much time twiddling my thumbs. just wanted to draw mouths really.

:iconnox-exclaimplz: you can read the Random Volitations comic on my website! frogs! Random Volitations on deimonian.net
and Duke of Spades, it's scary! but mostly weird, actually.
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660x860px 276.79 KB
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