NYR'13 day 313Deimonian on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/deimonian/art/NYR-13-day-313-412585643Deimonian

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NYR'13 day 313



day 313 of trying not to suck, ow, colours.

i'm a bit burned out, and sick, so here's a tree, i guess? tree roots don't look like that in reality, at all, i was just running out of time so it had to do. also something weird happened during resizing it, i don't even know why it does that.

:iconnox-exclaimplz: you can read the Random Volitations comic on my website!  Random Volitations on deimonian.net
i'll keep linking to Duke of Spades until i see my analytics say that at least one person has read that short piece of shit, or at least clicked the link.
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444x775px 190.35 KB
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ViceNoctis's avatar
Thank you for this, You've made me real a great way of practising lighting.. SO glad you did this and I saw it, thank you very much Deimonian.