NYR'13 day 282Deimonian on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/deimonian/art/NYR-13-day-282-406174478Deimonian

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NYR'13 day 282



day 282 of trying not to suck, WITH FIRE.

armour! well, i tried. crawled through my folder of armour, which i should really get to sorting, found the most simple full plate armour and added a bunch of stuff to it, and removed and replaced stuff i didn't like. i drew a really awesome arm and the perspective was almost right but then i remembered the reason she's in this pose is that she has a shield, which covers the arm, of course. the perspective of her left leg isn't quite right but trust me when i say it was way worse before i attempted to fix it. oh, and there's fire because the pose had to make sense somehow.

:iconnox-exclaimplz: you can read the Random Volitations comic on my website! fire fighting! Random Volitations on deimonian.net
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