There is not enough time !

19 min read

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DegsyJonesPhoto's avatar
hello Peeps ! As the title suggests there just isn't enough time in my day, week or months at the moment. I have so much to do with my full time job working for Unite the Union, teaching photography for HF Holidays and planning my wedding in January, I don't know if I'm coming or going to be quite honest. I have at least got my mum's estate all sorted, solicitors paid, bank accounts closed, trust set up and inheritance paid out to my brother and sisters. Even though my mum didn't live long enough to see us get married, she will be there in spirit and the money she left me has paid for the wedding, so thanks mum ! I have a new website that will be up and running shortly it's just in the final stages of completion, It will be my professional photography portal for all my paid work, which seems to be gathering pace but it seems that the more work I do the less time I spend here, unfortunate as I love Deviant Art

Anyway that's enough waffle, time for a 100 image feature !

So close - no matter how far by rENEkOESSLERvISUALS Beach Fire by jbrum<da:thumb id="391471445"/> Life is elsewhere by f-i-g-m-e-n-t<da:thumb id="416785697"/> Christmas tram in Budapest by trollwaffle BW Beach by Arty-eyes Magical Phase by FlorentCourty<da:thumb id="416101202"/> Instance by IvanAndreevich Children of Balat 4 by emregurten Man Versus Banana by MARX77 Looking up 1 by kronpano New Year's Eve III. by kammkilian Stars Falling by tholang<da:thumb id="416140503"/> Snd#4 by e-uphoria Into the Blue by OlivierAccart<da:thumb id="405934709"/><da:thumb id="410841375"/>

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Diaphonous 6 by Plage-Photo
<da:thumb id="446193356"/> My shadows by JulijaJan -Autumnal path- by Janek-Sedlar Bad weather by JulijaJan Willing snow II by Grafilogika<da:thumb id="428783634"/> Horizon by EYADSTUDIO bring me to life by dekkanpl Bridge Hamm I by wolfgangbuhr I'm on to you by JulijaJan stillness around by augenweide Help by hayleyonfire Aspen Bright by zoomzoom Solitude by aFeinPhoto-com Wavy Shapes by FlorentCourty Backyard Flowers In Black And White 18 by thelearningcurve-da -Secrecy of autumn roads- by Janek-Sedlar Getting Some Air by hayleyonfire Koh Phayam Sunset by comsic<da:thumb id="431792280"/> last sky by VinceLoftsson

Mature Content

Leas leg art (BW) by gb62da
Conversations by tanikel<da:thumb id="442487125"/> Netherlands 12 by lonelywolf2 (II) by Tschankee Guatemala - Memory of a sunset by slecocqphotography *** by Tarasov mirror lake by acoresjo88 Isolation by bliXX-a Prayer by tanikel Out of the Mist. by Exparte-se The Fall 18 by MK-NI On Melancholy Hill by Chopen A Brand New Day by Photopathica unrepentant by iendrakurniawan a silent evening by SwissAdA<da:thumb id="447039779"/> Zion N.P. by ernieleo Playing With The Pigeons by hayleyonfire Give me a title.............. by Betuwefotograaf<da:thumb id="450704586"/> Linger by Catosan slashing the clouds by BelcyrPiotr Peru | Chincheros by slecocqphotography Under the Bridge by BandasPhoto Discover by TaraLundriganPhoto Brand by ZiaulKareem Torquay Sunrise 2 by daniellepowell82 Happy Hour by niklin1 Breadth and Scope by Recalibration PastFuture I by esire beautiful weaknesses by akthuro<da:thumb id="457649957"/> the cave by DaSchu atonement by jrockar H2O by Phoenixstamatis The Kiss by sandas04 Solstice in the Night by irenv Caught in Time by jarodkearney Behind the Bars by SnapShotDataBase<da:thumb id="452874012"/> Unfortunate Angel - V by InayatShah Solitude by really-girl 87 by sevron

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168 by reflex22
Weighing A Prayer by MARX77<da:thumb id="479679129"/> Kate Portrait by Rinescense Danie Trejo by toniart57 Uraeus by Djaevan<da:thumb id="464397437"/> Saline dello Stagnone by Francy-93 Nothing burns like love by ZuzuTurkova Iris story by emuciss Pigeon Man by sandas04 Sad Sasha by AlinaSoloviova

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Bodyscape #2 by thefez85
The sun is crying by KlaraDrielle White Rhino by PeteLatham

This Journal Skin was designed by Night-Beast
© 2014 - 2025 DegsyJonesPhoto
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Photopathica's avatar
thanks so much for uncluding my photo with all these amazing pictures!