I've been taking photographs from the age of 9 when my mum gave me my first camera, I'm over 50 years old now and in the intervening years I've honed my skills with a camera. I worked for many years is a Radiology department in my local hospital, developing x rays until everything went from analog to digital. I then moved to a clinical role but still working within Radiology but now with CT and MRI scanners, which are just very large very clever cameras but you get to see inside people's bodies...very interesting. My other great passion besides photography, is GoJu Ryu Karate which I have been training in for 25 years. I now work in the field of politics, industrial relations and workers rights.
Just in Case you Missed the Notice, JennyStokes-Favs is holding a photo competition. We have extended the submission dates in case you would like to participate. We have lots on nice prizes.
thanks for fav :)