Deevad on DeviantArt

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Deevad's avatar

Owl Princess



A new personnal artwork, I studied owl lastly, I really like those birds. I also could record the process with Kazam on Kubuntu 12.04. As usual with Linux , video editing and converting were a pain, and things who worked yesterday doesn't work today. Bah ... I start to get used too :) Here is the link :

Full Youtube HD video timelapse (18min) : [link]

Update 23/09 : changed arm position for a better composition ( watch animated difference [link] ) Thanks Ico-dY for the help on comment
( Mypaint / Krita mainly ; for more details watch the video. )
CC-By-Sa : Any usage of the artwork are allowed if providing credits to the author and links mentioning the original and sharing the result under a similar license.
Image size
2500x3452px 15.64 MB
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Belle immagini 🏳️‍🌈