Breton Girl
Artist | Hobbyist| Varied
Hi Everyone!!I wish I was born the last century.
I'm a freaky fan of Doctor Who and Sherlock.
And I guess, everything which is english. Or scottish. Or irish. Or Welsh.
I'm in love with old things and used stuff. I
love to wear vintage clothes and watch british series in original version
(of course but with subtitles. I'm not so good.)
I love to go to museums, galleries, flea markets and cemeteries!
I write poetry sometimes, but I'm very baaad at it!
I'd love to be as good as Baudelaire or Keats...
I'm in love too with skulls, memento mori, butterflies, deer, vanities, etc.
Despite my love for the past, I also love science fiction.
(Steampunk is just the dream team)
I'm a freaky fan of Doctor Who and Sherlock.
And I guess, everything which is english. Or scottish. Or irish. Or Welsh.
My other account, with some art school stuff, is here : (but a bit in oblivion...)
A quote I love:
"We are such stuff As dreams are made on, and our little life Is rounded with a sleep."
The Tempest, W. Shakespeare

♥ My "Official" student in a Art School and a photographer (sort of...)♥ My "silly fangirl" Tumblr, about Doctor Who, Sherlock and other Supernatural...♥ My last Tumblr, with all my digital collages...(like here in fact) previous commissions:♣
Too Fast (Punk Clothing): Some collaborations and commissions.
Find me on the artists page:♣
Two book's covers asked by Thom Brannan

"Borrowed Time", by Rob Pegler: and for
"Before the Dawn", by Thom Brannan, I'm open for commissions!

Come on, don't be shy!
Thanks! ♥