Two-Faced comments rules/policy

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Deercliff's avatar
I'm gonna start moderating the comments on Two-Faced pages, as I have seen some stuff that I definitely do not want in the comment section of my artwork. Hopefully these rules will be easy to understand.

1. No sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, or otherwise bigoted comments are allowed. This is the big one. Anything blatantly bigoted will be immediately removed. This also goes for slurs and misogynistic insults such as "bitch" or "pussy". As well, anything having to do with sexual assault will be removed. 
2. No death threats, towards me or any other person I get that usually y'all are just joking, but threatening to track down and kill or hurt me due to decisions I have made in the comic is uncomfortable and slightly frightening. I can deal with it pretty well, but it is not an acceptable thing to do, and I know there are people out there who could be made very anxious by it.
3. No insulting other people in the comments I enjoy reading civil debates about my commenters opinion on the comic and characters, but I do not want any fighting or insulting. I've seen some people say some pretty nasty things to each other in the comments section and I do not want my comic to be a space for that kind of vitriol. Any outright insulting of another commenter will be removed.

For any of these, the first two times you do it, your comment will just be removed, but if you do it a third time you will be blocked. I hope this is not hard to understand or does not seem unreasonable. I'd just like my comments section to be a safe space for everyone. Thank you for your time and comments reading my comic!

EDIT: Also, if you have any suggestions or other concerns, please bring them up! I don't want anyone to feel unsafe on my page!
© 2015 - 2024 Deercliff
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TheAntsaBoy94's avatar
Are you sure pussyis a misogynistic slur?

Just nitpicking. I haven't looked into actual examples of the word being used in your comment section so I couldn't say if it has ever been justifiable.