SuzieDeepDarkCreations on DeviantArt

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DeepDarkCreations's avatar




Gift for a friend.
Suzie started life as a G4 zilla, who was airbrushed hot pink and given gradients and a pretty lace stocking effect up her legs. The images covering her are based on my friend's tattoos, which are pretty old, so most of the lines have become blown out over the years, so I had to improvise a few of them (and given the places they are in, I won't be posting ref pics of them ;) ) I debated whether or not to recreate them, or whether to completely update and redo them, but in the end settled with recreating them, as I know they are very special and meaningful for their owner ;)
Pink happens to be friend's favourite colour, so I used a variety of different shades of pink in her gradients and hair.
Hair is custom dyed snowflake (several different batches and shades to give depth) which goes from a lovely soft pink into a more vibrant dark pink.
Airbrushing was done with artist grade acrylics. Some of the detail work was done with acrylics too, but to try and recreate that soft tattoo style of shading, I used pastels - much of the wolf and pegasus were done this way.
Lots of sealing with MSC, and gloss on the eyes.
This girl was a devil to photograph - of the THREE sessions I did with her, none of her pics in the lightbox showed her true colours very well, so I did some outdoor pics which are better at showing her colour, but don't show some of her details.... like that her legs are highlighted with pearlex pigments to give shimmer. Her eyes were also painted with pearlex pigments.
Her legs are embellished with swarovski crystals and around her eyes are some heart shaped crystals ^.^
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3508x4961px 3.77 MB
© 2014 - 2025 DeepDarkCreations
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kalavista's avatar
SO EPIC!!!!!!!!!!