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DeepChrome's avatar




Some more #Aposhack param sharing spawned this one. I believe it was ~SpearHawk who supplied the initial params this time.

Anyways, Apo3D, border and title done in Photoshop. No touch-ups or postwork. (I felt I'd jinx it if I did anything...)

I tried to do a gradient that was a touch out of my comfort zone with reds and oranges in it, with more warm than cool tones. I think it turned out pretty nice.

A thanks to the cool people of #Aposhack for helping me figure out color symmetry and how to make this thing anything other than monochromatic. I don't think it'd have turned out as good without that advice. :D
Image size
3423x2773px 7.72 MB
© 2008 - 2024 DeepChrome
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fidgetofdoom's avatar
Love this... its really quite stunning when zoomed in on it... the layers of depth make you pause and stare in awe for a moment... or more.

I have added it as the cover art on my page... giving you full credit, and providing the link back to this page. :D