Decision's avatar


Dan Smith
4 Watchers30 Deviations

The Puppeteer by Decision, literature

Chess by Decision, literature

First Magician in the World by Decision, literature

Changing Seasons by Decision, literature

See All

Soldier by Decision, literature

Genie by Decision, literature


Deviation Spotlight

  • United States
  • Deviant for 20 years
  • He / Him
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (2)
My Bio

Current Residence: Washington State, US
Favourite genre of music: Whatever sounds good
Wallpaper of choice: Moonset atm
Favourite cartoon character: Weebl

Favourite Movies
Red Violin comes to mind. Gotta think of others.
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Every band has sold a piece of bad music. See genre
Favourite Games
Planescape: Torment (please try finding it, it is awesome)
Favourite Gaming Platform
PC. Because I refuse to pay for a console cable hookup and subscription
Tools of the Trade
Pencil, ballpoint pen, computer, colored pencils, oil pastels, and lots o' paper
Other Interests
Drawing, computer games, D&D, school, sailing


0 min read
It just started raining alot and it's getting cold at night. Guess Fall decided to rear its grumbly head.I figured out my problems with the digital camera. I had it set at the lowest resolution, which means it can hold tons of terrible pictures. With a better setting, it can hold about 5 good ones. I might retake the rock monster sculpture picture, but maybe not.I haven't drawn much, since I stopped submitting things to DA. It feels like pretty much a scam, since I get nothing but satisfaction at seeing my art viewed sometimes, but they gain the ability to use my art anyway they like forever.Yes it says if you remove all your submissions a...
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New Stuffs

0 min read
School coming soon. Well, in a month or so. Need cheering up for other reasons. Me = teh stupid.Wish some things were easier.
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New Approach

0 min read
  Avast! What do cheese mold, people in Internet forums, and baby clams have in common?  They don't know anything! Hahahaha. Ha.  Anyway, bit of a new approach to things. I call it "Just get off yer butt and do it"  And it is not a ripoff of the Nike slogan. Mainly because I dislike solgans.1: I'm riding my bike every morning during summer break, and will continue to do so many days of the week after school starts (I have all my classes on Tuesday and Thursday in the Fall).4: I'm going to a Toastmaster thing tomorrow, invited by a friend whom I play D&D with. I'll probably continue to do this. (Outdated. I went, it was cool, I'm signing up...
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Profile Comments 13

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Thanks so much for the watch. :aww: It means loads to me.
Thank you for stopping by my page, I hope you enjoyed your visit. Nice gallery.
thanks for the fav! :D
Thanks for the comment! And I'll be adding more artwork soon hopefully!
thanks for watching me
Thank you for the watch^^:hug:
Torrent this bitch *fwap*