(Closed) Side Quest: Insecticon Eggs

5 min read

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Decepticon-Nation's avatar


There is a wild insecticon hive a half a solar cycle flight from the Decepticon base. Megatron is interested in influencing them to join the Decepticon ranks. That is easier said than done. These insecticons are not as... civil... as the insecticons you have met here. They are more beast like and don't understand negotiating and working together for the sake of working together.

What they do understand is strong warriors and brute force. However, they will reject bots that aren't fellow insecticons. The plan in the works for some time was to raise some insecticon drone warriors  to go into the hive. In turn, they will fight their way up the ranks in the hive and gain influence to have that hive work with the Decepticons.

We need to gather insecticon eggs that the hive rejects. There are already several stray hive eggs decepticon scientists have gathered and keep frozen in their lab. This is a rather strict precaution, since they wouldn't even hatch in room temperature.

It is not unusual for a hive to dump eggs it finds too small or believes won't hatch. These eggs are found still rather close to the hive, so retrieving them may alert some drone guards. We need recruits to sneak onto the land near the hive and grab any egg you see. Even though they are these hives rejects, many will still hatch to have viable warriors. Take the egg you find to the science lab. They will freeze them until a later time. :bulletpurple::bulletyellow::bulletblack:

For this side quest, 20 members of Decepticon-Nation have been picked to have an egg hiding on their DeviantArt profile page.  Not all these members have an actual character profile in the game. You must be the first one to post on their DA profile page: Happy Easter from Decepticon-Nation ! If you see someone has already posted this on their page do not post again. At the end of the 23nd the accounts chosen will be checked to see if anyone 'found eggs.'

Only one egg per player!

This mission counts as a side quest. If you have any story or art relating to it post it in the credits folder to receive 5 credits. Stories must be at least 1000 words. Art must be at least clean lineart + flat colors or sketchy lines + colors and shades.

The Bombshell pixel art created by SigmaCore is not be used, reproduced, recolored or otherwise modified in any way without express consent from the original artist.

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Nightshadow: *wings flick as she reads over the info* Question. When you say "a half a solar cycle flight", is that how long it takes to get there and back, or is it one way?  *glances up briefly as though trying to judge how fast you can fly*

((I think I will draw something for this after all~))