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WIP: Naivara Galonodel



This is a rough sketch of a character I made for a Dungeons & Dragons campaign I was in. She was an elf who sought peoples secrets to gain power over them. This is also my first sketch using a graphics tablet. I took a pencil sketch I had taken a photo of with my phone camera and decided to see if I could run the outline in Photoshop.

Why is she wearing no clothes? Firstly this is a work in progress. Secondly, when I first sketched her out I did like I was taught in art classes and started with the frame of the person first. And I liked how well I made the frame that it felt a shame to put clothes on her.

And now I realize why all those classic artists painted nudes. They probably had plans for clothes, then when they got done with the outline sketch, realized they did such a good job capturing the form that they wanted that they just painted the nude. ;)

This is also my first foray back onto DeviantArt in a while.
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1029x927px 69.71 KB
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