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Fanmade SNICK logos



If Nickelodeon decides to bring back their Saturday night block known as "SNICK", they should come up with a logo. Here's what I would have in mind:

1) In the current logo style, with the "S" colored purple.
2) In the first SNICK logo style in the current channel's logo's font, only the bars are colored black.
3-4) Same as before, but with black/purple bars and white/black letters.
5-6) Same as before, but with white/purple bars and black letters.
7) SNICK House logo style with the current channel's logo's font, only the letters are colored a dark gray.
8) Word-bubble style.

The Nick logo style is copyright of Viacom and Nickelodeon, as are the previous SNICK logos.
© 2011 - 2024 DecaTilde
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JPReckless2444's avatar
You have just sent me 2 Throwback Heaven. I remember drawing these logos when i was i kid. 90s was ALL THAT!!!