Ancient ArcherDeborahLewis on DeviantArt

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Ancient Archer



He's now an Ancient Archer, one of a few who've spent their lives striving to improve the quality of the art of archery. A string made just so...the bow constructed with specific wood, and treated until it almost hums of its own accord...arrows refined and honed accordingly.
His life's goal? To construct the bow and arrows (and attitude) that will shoot through anything, and he's achieved a modicum of success...

...he, after decades of hard work, research, self discipline and trials, has shot a hole in the fabric of his existence.

A submission for Seventh Sanctum's latest contest. I chose something from the Fantasy generator: the Ancient Archer, and took it literally, this time. :)
It's actually the third picture I've started for the contest, but the only one I'm able to finish...
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600x850px 243.69 KB
© 2008 - 2025 DeborahLewis
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Definitely got a laugh out of the backstory to this. Well done.