Well, this is my "DeviantArt" page. I worked for several days to get it symmetrical, so please do not ruin it. I would also prefer you stay quiet while here... Patti disturbs the peace enough on her own.
My name is Death the Kid, son of the great and honorable Shinigami. I am residing, at the moment, in Shibusen, where my Honorable father also resides as Headmaster. My weapons consist of Elizabeth and Patricia Thompson, who both turn into twin pistols. Being perfectly symmetrical while fighting is truly wonderful~
I suppose that's all. Good day.
Other DTK icons: If you've got one that isn't up here, send it in!
Current Residence: Symmetry, Death City deviantWEAR sizing preference: Symmetry Print preference: Symmetry Favourite genre of music: Symmetry Favourite photographer: Symmetry Favourite style of art: Symmetry Operating System: Symmetry MP3 player of choice: Symmetry Shell of choice: Symmetry Wallpaper of choice: Symmetry Skin of choice: Symmetry Favourite cartoon character: Symmetry Personal Quote: "Symmetry."
I certainly do remember you. I couldn't call myself the son of Shinigami if I couldn't remember the faces of guests to my manor! Ah, Maka..? Yes, her hair is symmetrical indeed. Well, sometimes her bang parts slightly and it throws off the symmetry completely. I once tried to fix it for her but she nearly hit me on the head with a book! Really, now... and it wouldn't have taken long to straighten, either... two days, at most....