Alice 2deathbycanon-stock on DeviantArt

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deathbycanon-stock's avatar

Alice 2

41.8K Views1 Collected Privately


The Tea Party

***NO erotic or violent arts.. Keep them innocent!***

Always link back and give credit.

Don't put the children in anything that would be inappropriate for children to be in.

Images MUST be manipulated into your own original artwork - not just photo edited - or it's not yours.

You can post your works of art using my stock on other websites, but you must always link back and give credit no matter where you posted it. (This include Wattpad!!)

You can make DA prints. No other commercial work without 1st getting permission, depending on the usage there may be a fee.  

Do not post as stock on other stock sites. Do not make PNG images for others to download. Do not make photoshop tubes, brushes, premades or precutes. Do not clame as  your own. Do not redistribute or share on other websites "as is".

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Donations are welcome and appreciated and go towards our costume fund! You can DONATE HERE

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Image size
3666x4956px 2.56 MB
Canon EOS 5D
Shutter Speed
1/125 second
Focal Length
34 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Oct 1, 2009, 9:42:27 AM
© 2009 - 2025 deathbycanon-stock
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I used it here

Norman Rockwell Tea Party