DeaDNeSS's avatar


eyess on the road, sshugar-pie..
64 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

  • United States
  • Deviant for 20 years
  • He / Him
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (145)
Heart: Love is in the air, someone is thinking of you! (1)
Deviously Devoted: Someone is your fiendish fan! 😈 (2)
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
My Bio
Current Residence: Mansion World
Favourite genre of music: Synthy 80's classic rock punk with a motown please.
Favourite photographer: parvipica
Favourite style of art: I've become very varied with that >_>
Operating System: A peice of shit apparently (DELL ><)
MP3 player of choice: those are like 300 bucks, fuck it.
Shell of choice: shells rattling outta mai gun, mutherfucker. (or not)
Wallpaper of choice: pink with little white bunnies
Skin of choice: soaked in gasoline and set on fire
Favourite cartoon character: Brock Samson, Spider Jerusalem, myself, Lusipher, Bucky O' Hare, Master Shake
Personal Quote: It's time to prove to your friends that you're worth a damn.

Favourite Visual Artist
Milleh, Ally,
Favourite Movies
Resevoir Dogs, Anything Tarantino, Star Wars, The Omen, Akira, Twice Upon a Time
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Favourite Writers
Chuck Pahluniuk
Favourite Games
Super Mario Bros. 2 or Labyrinth of Time, Zelda (SNES or Majora's Mask)
Favourite Gaming Platform
Super Nintendo (nintendo, only superer)
Tools of the Trade
bic pen and unison pen
Other Interests
Porn, Art, Pizza, ORGY, DEADSY, bunnies, Duran Duran
Sorry if you sent me a note concerning a commission and I haven't responded. I'm working on a commission and several school projects right now (which is very intense work). &nbsp;I have decided though, that in regards to pricing info, I will just post it in my journal, starting after this commission is finished. &nbsp;I am considering taking on sizes smaller than 8x10 for tattoos and such, but I haven't fully decided yet. &nbsp;I'm leaning towards yes, but I'm worried that people might have some issues with not wanting them printed or something. &nbsp;If I do it, there will still be the option of recieving a print of it instead of the actual piece for a lesser p
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0 min read
So yeah, so I may decide to take commissions again. I can try my damnest to get online at least twice a week to keep up contact (Come the end of August I'll have my own computadora, so cheer, cheer hoo-rah!). &nbsp;The thing is though, I'm truly deciding on whether or not I really want to do this. &nbsp;I actually do want to do them. &nbsp;Honestly, I actually like doing them. &nbsp;Even if it's not particularly something up my alley, I still like doing it. It makes me a better artist and pays the bills, so you know, what the hell? My decision is mostly based on the fact that I don't really make as much as I apparently should be making on these pieces. &nbsp;When as
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I promise I'll upload some art soon. &nbsp;The semester's over in a couple days and I can get something done one way or the other. All my final crits went fabulous, thanks to my teachers for selecting me for the Crozier Award and for their awesomeness in general. Sorry for the lack of updates and responses (no computer), but thank you for all the favs and comments and the like. Waiting to hear on an apartment, keepin' fingers crossed. &nbsp;One way or the other though, good to get out of the dorms. &nbsp;Like...real fuckin' good to get out of the OMG WHOLLY FUCKIN' GOOD TO BE GETTIN THE FUCK OUTTA THAT PLACE! (JEEZUS!). &nbsp;Sorry Mike. Yeah Yea
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Profile Comments 1.9K

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I'm posting this for all those lost folks who are left wondering what happened to one of their favorite artists, DeaDNeSS aka Stephanie Engel. Stephanie went to school and got a BA in illustration, but then became employed by a custom jewelry concierge and has remained busy with her job working on making jewelry for that company ever since. We can only hope that she's secretly plotting on someday making another public appearance with her phenomenal illustrations... but until then, you'll just have to remember and enjoy what's left here on DA, or what you can find on Pinterest, her old website, or her old Tumblr account. Good luck on your artistic journey Stephanie, you truly are an amazing talent :)

I was browsing my favorites when I came across that picture of her OC, Suckerface and was wondering what happened. Thanks for solving one of the oldest mysteries for me on Deviantart lol.

if ya mean so, I'm happy she's doing great :) 
I miss seeing your work! Are you still posting your art somewhere? You're one of my favorite artists!
Your art is awesome! totally my style! totally watched you! 
Still miss your work. 
Miss your work so much you're my greatest inspiration to work with ballpoint pens