Current Residence: Mansion World
Favourite genre of music: Synthy 80's classic rock punk with a motown please.
Favourite photographer: parvipica
Favourite style of art: I've become very varied with that >_>
Operating System: A peice of shit apparently (DELL ><)
MP3 player of choice: those are like 300 bucks, fuck it.
Shell of choice: shells rattling outta mai gun, mutherfucker. (or not)
Wallpaper of choice: pink with little white bunnies
Skin of choice: soaked in gasoline and set on fire
Favourite cartoon character: Brock Samson, Spider Jerusalem, myself, Lusipher, Bucky O' Hare, Master Shake
Personal Quote: It's time to prove to your friends that you're worth a damn.
Favourite Visual Artist
Milleh, Ally,
Favourite Movies
Resevoir Dogs, Anything Tarantino, Star Wars, The Omen, Akira, Twice Upon a Time
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Favourite Writers
Chuck Pahluniuk
Favourite Games
Super Mario Bros. 2 or Labyrinth of Time, Zelda (SNES or Majora's Mask)
Favourite Gaming Platform
Super Nintendo (nintendo, only superer)
Tools of the Trade
bic pen and unison pen
Other Interests
Porn, Art, Pizza, ORGY, DEADSY, bunnies, Duran Duran