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Sketch and Gesture Monthly
Monthly scans of my sketches and studies from gesture drawing sessions. Strengthening the sense of observation and shapes design. This includes some exclusive (reworked) sketches. Do not hesitate to use them as reference, inspiration, studies or base for your projects!
And this will, of course, help me grow as an artist!
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Companion piece to Spiritual State that I did last year. Coloring and lining this was too much for me and my laptop. I really like how this came out but this style was very challenging so I know a lot of little things could've been better if I had some more experienece. Despite how difficult this was for me to do, I'm already thinking that I should do another similar piece for Aang!
Legend of Korra © Bryan Konietzko & Michael Dante DiMartino
Artwork © dCTb
All work done in GIMP
•Style inspired by Legend of Korra, Beginnings part 1 & 2
•Listened to "Spiritual State" by Nujabes feat. Uyama Hiroto on repeat again. The song is too amazing.
•Used Chinese calligraphy font editor to generate stylized Chinese characters.…
•About the Chinese Characters from the Avatar wikia and wikipedia: "the characters can be translated to: 降世神通 - the divine medium who has descended upon the world (e.g. the Avatar)."
shenling 神靈 "gods; spirits, various deities"
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1174x660px 1004.48 KB
© 2013 - 2025 dCTb
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