dchan316 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/dchan316/art/Trick-or-Treat-140972065dchan316

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dchan316's avatar

Trick or Treat



Art Jam piece for :icon14-bis: ! My first art jam piece!

Obviously, this is a Halloween themed jam, but with original characters! However, I did 3 characters for fun. (for the werewolf, I wanted a Totoro-like creature, can you tell?)

Chopchop - the lil vampire kid in the front and leader of the trio. He loves cola-flavored lollipops more than anythings else and won't hesitate to sacrifice his comrades for one, and is currently obsessed with Miley Cyrus' new CD.
Silk - the ghost girl, shes apathetic toward everything, without a care in the world. The only reason she hangs out in this group is cuz they go a lot of places, and if you're gonna not care, may as well not care everywhere, no?
Rover - the werewolf, loves snacking on cats. Yet instead of turning back into a man without the moon, he turns into a...dog...
Image size
630x850px 338.95 KB
© 2009 - 2024 dchan316
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hugoo13's avatar
Great illustration :) I like it
Carried in Cruzine: [link]