How To: Create Shortcuts to Your Commission Widget by orribu, journal
How To: Create Shortcuts to Your Commission Widget
Hey there! With this here tutorial, I'm going to show you how to make direct links to your offered commissions on your front page-- super handy if you want to integrate links into your commission details, provide a shortcut for someone to pay for the commission on your widget, etc! Super handy if you have a large page with lots of extensive info or custom boxes. I'll show you how to extract the commission ID and make a link out of it!
Getting the Commission ID
So, first thing's first.
Make sure you have a commission widget and some commission types on your front page. Not sure how to set up a commission widget? I've provided a link to a ver
Seeing how yours seems to be a suggestion on what you'd like/hope for and not actual what is, I don't see how that is really useful atm. More so because the site isn't live yet to know the concrete what is going to be available and what is not. Until then, I don't see the need to add things on ways to do stuff since not everyone even has access to beta test the new layout either. This could confuse folks which is why the only one added to the group is one sharing what they can do and their thoughts about it. I'm well aware how it can damper the purpose of this group and relating resources but I'll worry about that if/when that time comes.
However it is advertising since you provided the link to said piece on the page vs sending a note to the group.