DaXXe on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/daxxe/art/Fruity-Toxication-137117584DaXXe

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Fruity Toxication



Soooo ya probably already know yoshies worship fruities? Yapz yapz! :orange: :lemon: :hungry:

This photo meant for an aperture schooltask in soft lightings to control sharpness and background colours into a stable level without any hard shadows. I took this photo mixed with daylightning from a window to the right and lamp above so it get's more "warmer".

Overall so are the drinks consisting of pure neonstick fluid, so it's defenitaly not any drinkable stuff no matter how tasty it looks, haha.
To mix it up with water was quite fail since it has a thicker consistency and layed on the bed of the glass.

This was a messy work. I had to wear plastic gloves so i didn't get any toxic neonshit on the handzzies and researched what kind of angle's was best, until i found out that this lower position wuz. :B

I tried also dark night surroundings so the neon glows standed out more. But disadvantage with that was that the lightings on the fruit details could hardly bee seen and the picture turned very dark and cold.

I will not spam up the other schooltask photo's i recently made or other ahead as i don't think deserves, unless it's my favzzies :) .

Lemme know whatchá think!
Haven't uploaded it on my schoolalbum yet online, so i'm glad to hear the opinions here first :D

I wish i had a softbox or acryclic black board as the real photographers using so i could get more awesome and clean background results. But i will at least collect my tripod later today in one of our shopzzies :dance:

Cheers! :icondaxxe::icondaxxeeggplz::music:
Image size
1090x650px 212.1 KB
© 2009 - 2024 DaXXe
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coby111's avatar
So awesome. The colors and the simplicity are great.