Whispers of the Gale :: Anna (Frozen 2)dawnshue on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/dawnshue/art/Whispers-of-the-Gale-Anna-Frozen-2-843944692dawnshue

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dawnshue's avatar

Whispers of the Gale :: Anna (Frozen 2)



Wanted to give some love to Anna, who always gets overshadowed by her sister XD


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1112x1320px 423.44 KB
© 2020 - 2025 dawnshue
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worldpeace2's avatar

Lovely job. I know that some people prefers one to the other but I always liked both of them and thought that they both were strong characters. Elsa have her power and love of   academics while Anna is optimistic and persistent. Together they makes the perfect team. Their parents would both had been so proud of them.