
How to make Gif Stamps :: by Redd

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I'm not sure if there is a guide on how to do this already, but back when I wanted to make gif stamps, I had no idea how to do so.
I came up with my own method which is super quick and easy, so I thought i'd share it with you guys! c:

STEP 1. Find a gif that you would like to use!

Okay so I'm not going to get into how to manually make a gif because it requires you to download a bunch of stuff and it takes forever - there are good tutorials around the internet on how to make gifs if you're interested in making your own.

There's a website named Giphy where you can search for gifs - it's basically a gif sharing website. Of course you can just do a good ol' google image search too. Before using a gif, you want to make sure that you're allowed to use it - a lot of people would be upset seeing their content used without permission!

However, if you'd like to make your own gifs quick and easy, I reccomend gfycat - you're able to link/upload video, crop it and viola, a gif of whatever you want. I'm not certain of how you're meant to save gifs properly from it, but if you go on your profile to view your gifs, you can do a good ol' right click on them there. (Since opening them puts them into video format lol)

Alternately, you can also make your own gif using ezgif - you will have to download the video you would like to use (a quick google will help you out there) and then it's just a matter of selecting a portion of the video that you would like to make a gif out of!

STEP 2. Crop and Resize the gif!

Once you've decided on your gif, go ahead to ezgif - this is a really easy to use website where you can crop gifs, resize them, shorten them, add effects and some other interesting stuff.

Crop the gif to a rectangle shape - leaving in everything that you want to be on your stamp. Once you've done this, you want to resize it.

I recommend using:
Width: 95 px
Height: 51 px

If you're happy with how it looks, save it and we'll get on to turning it into an actual stamp!

You're going to need a stamp border for the next part, the dimensions I recommended work perfectly with zilla774's stamp template - you want to separate the border and save it as a .png by itself.

STEP 3. Turn it into a stamp!

For this part, I like to use Online-Image-Editor because again, it's easy to use. You can do this part in photoshop or another art program if you're familiar with it, though.

  • Load your gif into the online-image-editor.
  • Go to "2013" and click "Expand Canvas" - zilla774's stamp template fits perfectly Width: 100 pix Height: 56 pix
  • Then go into "Wizards" and select "Overlay Image", and import your stamp border.
  • Drag it over your gif - make sure its inside the box, you may need to tweak it to make sure it's in properly - keep 'resize' and 'rotate' in the middle, 'set look through' to the far right, and overlay should be set as 'on top' *. Then Apply.
    * The 'set look through' and 'overlay' options seem to have been removed so if you can't see them then don't worry about that, it should automatically make your stamp border opaque & on top!

    When dragging the stamp border over your gif, I recommend placing it one pixel to the left, as when you apply the changes, the border moves itself over to the right. I can't guarantee this happens to everyone but if you overlay your border and it's off, try placing it a lil to the left!
Once you've applied, save your stamp and then you can upload to deviantART!

Stamps can go into DeviantArt Related / Deviant Stamps - and remember to credit whoever made the stamp template that you used!

Thanks for reading, I hope this helped! <3

Any questions then feel free to ask, hope this could help!

You can find example of my stamps here:…
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