DawnPaladin on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/dawnpaladin/art/The-Periodic-Table-of-Storytelling-Second-Edition-425816342DawnPaladin

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DawnPaladin's avatar

The Periodic Table of Storytelling, Second Edition

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The Second Edition incorporates all of the learning I received during my three years at the Rocky Mountain College of Art + Design. It has better typography, more story molecules, and updated kilowick counts, but the identifiers are the same so as not to break compatibility with the first edition. And there's now a clickable version here: designthroughstorytelling.net/… No more typing names into the TVTropes search box - just click the trope and you're there!
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1300x2200px 449.9 KB
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