Road Warriors Illustrationdawnbest on DeviantArt

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Road Warriors Illustration



Back from Cullifornyaaa and back to work. :)

Alot of really good guesses I got on the representation of these females, but nobody got it. With the colors, it should be a bit more obvious. :) A bit far-fetched, but each is adorned with futuristic riding gear for one of the four major Japanese sport bike manufacturers.

Your clue for the red rider was her headgear, shaped like a wing, representative of course, of Honda.
If you look close on the green rider's headgear, you could make out a stylized "K", Kawasaki's trademark.
I'm surprised nobody got the yellow rider's clue, which is a sharply pointed "S", found in their logo, and on her shoulder strap.
The blue rider's clue was the toughest -- I only used one prong of the three found within Yamaha's circular logo pattern for a tattoo running down her right arm.

Are your brains broken yet? :) Again, I had alot of fun with this, and it's good to throw into my portfolio now that my own freelance business is cornering some of the market in motorcycles and graphical representation thereof. I've already been asked to do one of these chicks for Harley-Davidson. :D Enjoy -- more to come!
Image size
654x534px 170.1 KB
© 2005 - 2025 dawnbest
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Desarial's avatar
strangely enough it would be apropriate for them to be "the four horsemen" seeing as the collor's and the way they're dressed. the red one would be war, given her headgear looking a bit like a headdress of some sort used in wars to show leadership. the yellow one being famine, becuse of her wings, wich would vaguely segjest a vulchure, birds wich feed on the dying and the dead, dying or dead, mostlikely becuase of lack of food. the green one lloking like a frog would be pestulance, becuase of the plague of frogs, and pestulance being the plagues. and the blu eone being death, wearing skull shaped head gear, is quite self explanitory.

though, your idas are really quite lovely, I justnoticed these liuttle details about them.