Making MusicDawnAllies on DeviantArt

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Making Music



Edit: Knew it had to of popped up on EQD cause suddenly hundreds of views. Drawfriend No. 15, woo!… Cheers to whoever sent it in~

Finished! ..I really didn't have much left to do from last night til now.

So yeah. Here's these two rocking out together. IN NEONS. CAUSE NEONS ARE AWESOME

Also, small file is small because that's what I do. MWAHAHAHAHAHA.

If someone particularly wants a bigger version of this I suppose you can note me or.. something.

Otherwise, this'll likely be a print for PonyCon AU 2015 AND ALSO available in next years calendar I'll be doing. So woo.
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1052x744px 803.44 KB
© 2014 - 2025 DawnAllies
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JoeMavro's avatar
I wonder if music is their method of love-making.