davidkawena on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/davidkawena/art/Disney-s-Princess-Academy-Production-Storyboard-01-323911556davidkawena

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Disney's Princess Academy Production Storyboard 01



Here is another images from our "Princess Academy" project. This storyboard frame is one of my favourites as it challenged me to draw outside of my comfort zone. Plus, it was a pleasure drawing Madame Adelaide - a character usually forgotten by Disney and it's fans. Even though it is only a storyboard frame it was my goal to try and keep the characters on model and as recognisable as possible out respect to their original designers and animators.

"Disney's Princess Academy" is a deleted project that was conceived for Disney a few years ago as a hand drawn animated short. The short was storyboarded by me. Original music/song was written by Alan Menken. Unfortunately it didn't saw the light of day, but I am proud to share this first concept art of it with all of you. 

More from this project to come soon!
Have a great day everyone
:heart: DK. 

Disney and Pixar characters are copyrighted to the ©Walt Disney Company and ©Pixar Animation Studios.
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1720x720px 368.12 KB
© 2012 - 2024 davidkawena
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Daelencc's avatar

There’s a podcast called “How did this not get made” which talks about canceled/unfinished projects.

If you’re allowed to email them about this project, you could be in their episode of it.