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David Gonterman
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I never wanted to post anything political here.  I hate this sort of crap.  I’m definitely not intending to put this in my D&D worldbuilding blog.  But this is something I just want to say and since I have some friendly ears here, here is where I’m saying it.  And thank you, DA, for allowing me to say it here. I hope I could say within your TOS.

Ever heard that eerily unearthly unnatural silence that appears before a catastrophe?

Like the quiet before the eruption of a volcano?

Or when you see the tide retreat way too far to herald that tsunami?

Of when you finally beat that Heart of Darkness in Darkest Dungeon I?

The birds stop chirping, the critters stop burrowing, you might not even hear the wind, it’s almost as if the world has stopped, drawing in breath expecting the moment when they scream in utter horror.  With nothing but dread over what is going to happen, no matter what it would be…even the silence you’re hearing at this moment, the silence just now, is so loud that it could strike you deaf.

That’s what I feel right now. 

I did not vote in this election.  I made do of the promise I made before Thanksgiving of 2020.  I just plain knew that I would have never see another honest, fair, and decent election again in my life.  I just knew that no matter who won, it would’ve been stolen, in fact I was convinced that it was already fixed, and I haven’t seen 2021 yet.  It would not be accepted, the draw I expected would’ve been drawn out into January, I expected to see a lot of claims of fraud, I expected it to be protested, and I expected things to explode into open conflict.

No matter who won, the election would be a sham.  It doesn’t matter what I do or who I vote for, so what’s the point of me even bothering?

I stayed home on Tuesday, hunkering down.  I even signed up on Walmart+ so I can get something delivered because I had no desire to step outside and end up caught in the expected crossfire.  I expected the worse. I expected chaos, I expected drama, I expected violence.  I did not expect a fair and honest and accepted election.  At all.

As I’m writing this (6 Nov, 4:30 PM Central,) ‘The Orange Schmuck,’ as I call him, won the popular vote.  He scored 295-226 in the Electoral college.  And Kamala Harris is doing her concession speech. 

The election was far.  The election was honest (or at least honest enough.)  And the election was accepted.

Who expected this to happen in November 6, 2024?

I certainly did not.  There are parts of my brain rebooting right now because they refuse to acknowledge it.  There was not a single second up to today, where I could not believe that the system would actually work! If God told me even the day before that this would be the result, I would call him a liar.

It was as if Uncle Sam took all of us who refused to get involved in this whole political process and is now serving us crow.

And all I can feel in my system is that dreadful silence.  The silence before the catastrophe.

We all seen what happened to half of this country during the last time That Orange Shmuck was in the Whiskey Hotel.  We all seen what parts of this half has done since 2016 onward, and I won’t give a detailed list.  I’ll just point to Trump’s right ear.  We all know the mental state some of this group is in, and what they would be willing to do.  If someone hadn’t become unhinged before, they would certainly be so now.

And all I am feeling is the dreadful waiting for it to happen, in this eerie, uncanny, and deafening silence before the start of something horrible.

I do so hope that I’m wrong.  Just as I was wrong about this election.

Thank you for letting me off this chest, and for allowing me a moment of your time here. You'll never know how much I appreciate this. Now I can move on to more important matters, like praying for peace, and worldbulding in Penumaria.

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I just got off the phone an hour ago.  I found out that my mom's caught Covid.  Even though she's old, she's tougher than she lets on.  She should only need five days to rest and recover.  Or so I hope.

At the least, keep her in her prayers, but if you could help me and my family out during this time, it would be greatly appreciated.  You can either get over to @TalesOfPenumaria and subscribe to the Tip Jar, or go to https://ko-fi.com/talesofpenumaria and offer me a much-needed cup of coffee.  Either way, it'll be greatly appreciated in this troubled time.

I know some might be cringing at this and I know I hate to do it.  I wouldn't even think of asking for help at this time if it weren't for this.  Thank you in advance for what you can do, no matter what amount it is.  I could never appreciate you enough.

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Ko-Fi available

1 min read

While this will apply more with @TalesOfPenumaria, I'll also post it here in case you'd like to show a random act of senseless kindness my way, and offer me a cup of coffee to appreciate my content.  My Ko-Fi page, which I'll keep to a minimalist form, is at https://ko-fi.com/talesofpenumaria , which links to my world-building blog.  Even a couple cups would be greatly appreciated, and you'll have my thanks in advance.

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A couple years back, I started a worldbuilding block where I create my own D&D campaign setting.  But it was in a place where I didn't get that much exposure, or if I did, I never gotten much feedback.  It's a problem I hope I won't be having here in DeviantART

In fact, I made a fresh alternate account (which isn't connected to any deviations here save for a customary link to my main account here) just for restarting Tales of Penumaria with the hopes that I'd get more interest in the campaigns, stories, and lore there.

I just posted the first introductory article and I can now like the account to here.  Feel free to see Tales of Penumaria over at https://www.deviantart.com/talesofpenumaria .

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A couple years back, I started a series elsewhere on the internet called 'Tales of Penumaria,' which is a series on worldbuilidng and stories based on my homebrew D&D world.  While there was some interest on some areas, I rarely got any feedback (not even open flames) where I was posting it, so I dropped that project.

In the current economy I find myself needing for some funding to pay some rising bills, and while looking for possible means of earning some money, I'm considering returning to Tales of Penumaria in another place where I already have an audience: Here in DeviantART.

I'm still in the pondering stages here and I'm looking for an official way to get started.  Probably with a virgin group that doesn't have all the dross that's in my home account here.  I also might need to get a Core subscription to get started better.

In Tales of Penumaria I talk about my thought processes behind creating the setting, how it meshes into official D&D rules (including Spelljammer and possibly Planescape,) and some extensive history and backstory of the world, some locations, and even some personalities.  Along the way, I'll set up some serialized fiction set in the setting, and after that, some campaigns, using D&D Fifth Edition (both 2014 and 2024 rulebooks will be supported.)

I'm still going to be asking for some feedback and maybe some support in this project.  Hearing form you will greatly influence how and when I will get this started, and it will be greatly appreciated.  Thank you in advance.

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