EqualizerDavenit on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/davenit/art/Equalizer-95347115Davenit

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Davenit's avatar




This is one of those shots that no one will get if I don't explain it. Well, maybe some would but I'm guessing most wouldn't...

I read an article recently about the drugging of our children. Ritalin, Lythium, etc... It seems like kids can't just be kids anymore without the pharmaceutical companies trying to make a buck off it.

Yeah, they help some, but let's try to remember that children are a hyper kinetic bundles of energy and just because they act that way doesn't mean we need to drug them down to a coma state.

Drugs have become the great equalizer and it's a shame.

Well, enough of my ramblings... Enjoy.
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RastloserRubin's avatar

Syringe got more and more abused as Tools of Crime in the last, few Years than EVER before ... ...

Still a good Artwork, despite all that.  :clap: