DaveBarrack on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/davebarrack/art/Tamer-5-Fan-Art-Cover-762703847DaveBarrack

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Tamer 5 Fan Art Cover



I've been wanting to practice painting more, and I thought a good way to do that would be to try doing a cover mockup for a novel, since it would force me to think about composition as well as the technical aspects of the piece. This is a mock cover for a book series I really like called "Tamer: King of Dinosaurs" written by Michael-Scott Earle
Image size
750x1200px 1016.18 KB
© 2018 - 2024 DaveBarrack
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These are cool. Also makes me wanna read the book. The title and name makes me think of Bazil Broketail

Hm. Sometime try reading City of Broken Dreams by Mirah Bolender. or the Young Wizards series by Diane Duane.
I think it would be interesting to see what your mental idea and the art that comes from it would be. 
Also the body types are fairly reverse of your norm (more inline with Syd I guess) so it would offer a good practice scape for painting outside your comfort zone.