Currently busy writing, drawing and publishing Glamourpuss and Cerebus Archive (which you can get at via the link at http://Cerebus.TV) and producing the weekly CerebusTV Internet TV show!
Current Residence: The Off White House
Favourite cartoon character: Cerebus
I came across your Indie Comic Character: Cerebus and his Indie Comic series about 6 years ago in mid to late 2016 in four steps, step 1 of me discovering your now 45 year old Indie ComicVark (as of 2-11-2022 of this comment of course) was through the 2nd Ultimate Collection Volume of the Mirage Era Ninja Turtles, step 2 was looking up your oldest indie comic character/indie comic series on Wikipedia, step 3 was buying the original 1st Volume Book of Cerebus at a vintage comic shop called Pulp Fiction, and step 4 after that was discovering your Cerebus Film Adaptation’s then work in progress was by searching your aardvard’s name on YouTube which led me to following your Cerebus film adaptation’s then work in progress on YouTube until the Cerebus Indie Movie came out years later in late 2021 after that.
I just wanna say that I consider both your innovative and evolving comic art style Gerhard’s cover/background art that you once did for both yourself in issues 1 to 64 and then later with your former comic partner: Gerhard later in issues 65 to 300 with the 3D like gradient crosshatching and stippling/screentoning as my greatest/favorite art style inspirations for my current art styles ever, and I hope your Cerebus Remaster projects will hopefully also get a trilogy like pack of three omnibus books that would collect issues 1 to 100, 101 to 200, as well as 201 to 300 someday one of these days.