Felicia hunter Curse age chartDavaba19 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/davaba19/art/Felicia-hunter-Curse-age-chart-737539865Davaba19

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Felicia hunter Curse age chart



Note: This character is one I had adopted a while back from :icongearlordex: when the person was still up, I basically wanted to bring her back and update her note that the main one the kid stage is unaltered except for socks
This is Felicia Hunter she is eight years old and she is cursed to go through her entire life in a single day aging a year per 20 minutes at 12:59 she dies at age 72, but comes back to life as a baby at 1:00am.  She is aware of this curse and was given a magic license that changes to match her age that way people won't say her id is fake. as she ages she gains the knowledge equal to that age and keeps her memories even after dying and coming back again she does have memories of her actions so she knows what her older self has done but she manages to have a decent life, she basically does live with a time mage trying to fix her curse but has been having trouble finding the cure to this day she still has her curse but is trying to decide on going to school or getting a job, either way she would have to explain her curse

Ages are in order

Baby ages 1-2
Toddler ages 3-5
Child ages 6-10
Preteen ages 11-13
Teen ages 13-19
Young adult 20-27
Adult 28-39
Middle age 40-55
Elder age 56-72
Death happens at age 72 with her going to dust and that dust turning her back to a baby
Image size
800x600px 139.16 KB
© 2018 - 2024 Davaba19
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carterdgdhdndbd's avatar

Sooooooooooooooo never ending aging loop?