daughterofthestars on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/daughterofthestars/art/Dressed-in-Holiday-Style-897433154daughterofthestars

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Dressed in Holiday Style



Affiliates and friends get first dibs, but anybody marked as Available is looking for a new home!

Breeding Note: Here
Breeding Picture(s): Dork Side of the Moon

Sire Name: Dark Side of the Moon
Color: Charcoal
Mane: Plume, carries Fade
Markings/Mutations/Oddities: Silvering
Dam Name: SS Xmas Cheer

Color: India Blue

Mane: Plume Mane

Markings/Mutations/Oddities: Silvering


1) Gender: Filly
Colour: Charcoal
Mane: Plume
Markings/Mutations/Oddities: Birdcatcher Spots, Silvering
Defects: Infertility

2) Gender: Colt
Colour: Charcoal/India Blue Hybrid
Mane: Plume
Markings/Mutations/Oddities: Silvering
Defects: N/A
Sold to Drache-Lehre 

3) Gender: Filly
Colour: India Blue
Mane: Fade
Markings/Mutations/Oddities: Birdcatcher Spots, Silvering
Defects: N/A
daughterofthestars - Might be willing to sell

4) Gender: Filly
Colour: India Blue
Mane: Plume
Markings/Mutations/Oddities: Silvering
Defects: N/A
Sold to TeacupChimera 

5) Gender: Filly
Colour: Charcoal/India Blue Hybrid
Mane: Plume, Failed Plume
Markings/Mutations/Oddities: Silvering
Defects: N/A
Sold to Stellori for BPs

6) Gender: Colt
Colour: Charcoal
Mane: Fade
Markings/Mutations/Oddities: Silvering
Defects: N/A

Designer: daughterofthestars

------------------------------------------ SSS: Unknown
----------------- SS: Starter
------------------------------------------ SSD: Unknown
Sire: Dark Side of the Moon*
------------------------------------------ SDS: Unknown
----------------- SD: Starter
------------------------------------------ SDD: Unknown

------------------------------------------ DSS: Unknown
----------------- DS: Starter
------------------------------------------ DSD: Unknown
Dam: SS Xmas Cheer*
------------------------------------------ DDS: Unknown
----------------- DD: Starter
------------------------------------------ DDD: Unknown
Image size
1600x2369px 1.66 MB
© 2021 - 2024 daughterofthestars
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IndexOfImagination's avatar

All of these have an ID along with their lineage! :la: If you'd be so kind as to update your desc to add the info below and then feel free to delete this comment yourself or 'like' it and I'll return to do so! Thank you. <3

ID: FLPF0569

ID: FLPF0570

ID: FLPF0571

ID: FLPF0572

ID: FLPF0573

ID: FLPF0574


------------------------------------------ SSS: Unknown

----------------- SS: Unknown

------------------------------------------ SSD: Unknown

Sire: SRPF0106

------------------------------------------ SDS: Unknown

----------------- SD: Unknown

------------------------------------------ SDD: Unknown

------------------------------------------ DSS: Unknown

----------------- DS: Unknown

------------------------------------------ DSD: Unknown

Dam: SRPF0095

------------------------------------------ DDS: Unknown

----------------- DD: Unknown

------------------------------------------ DDD: Unknown

If you are curious to learn more about the ID system check out my page for the most recent journal. ^^