6471 HSLG A Tribble in my Pants ** - DECEASEDDatNachtmaehre on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/datnachtmaehre/art/6471-HSLG-A-Tribble-in-my-Pants-DECEASED-410112938DatNachtmaehre

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DatNachtmaehre's avatar

6471 HSLG A Tribble in my Pants ** - DECEASED



HorseID:  6471
Name: HSLG A Tribble in my Pants :star::star:
Nickname: Tribble or Panty
Registration status: registered

Gender: Stallion
Age: 5 years
Breed: Pure Nordanner (20 % Andalusian, 40% Friesian, 40% Draft)
Height: 16,8 hh

Colour: Burnt buckskin peafowl (flaxen carrier)
Genotype: Ee Ata nCr nf PwlPwl


------------------------------------------ SSS: OS Chancelor 1307 
----------------- SS: KS Narnia 1409
------------------------------------------ SSD: Her Devil Within 900 (s)
Sire: IVS Angry Bird 3275
------------------------------------------ SDS: Uasail 816 (refsheet can not be found)
----------------- SD: AS Pavlin 1697
------------------------------------------ SDD: FW Chavali 815 (refsheet can not be found)
------------------------------------------ DSS: unknown
----------------- DS: SC Rhyfedd 120 (s) *deceased*
------------------------------------------ DSD: unknown
Dam: PS Aithne 850
------------------------------------------ DDS: unknown
----------------- DD: Ulmende 149 (s) *deceased*
------------------------------------------ DDD: unknown

Continued Sire line:

SSSD: Erytheis 902 (s) *deceased*
SSSSS: NWS Daimhin 476 (s)
SSSSD: LTS Xiomara 459 (s)
SDSS: DBVR Majeed 126 (s)
SDSD: SDS Shiya 98 (s) *deceased*
SDDS: Chickableau 104 (s) *deceased*

Not related to:
Dane's Golden Girl 509  fav.me/d5nxda2
Fool's Gold 600  fav.me/d5py9nd



coming tomorrow...


 coming tomorrow...

Offspring: /

Discipline: Liberty dressage and Halter (atm)

Rider: none atm

Foal design
#6471 A Tribble in my Pants Redesign by DatNachtmaehre


to much Regalus (once unlocked)

Potion effect: 

Have you ever seen a real tribble? Yes? Well that will be the effect. XD

Potion picture: 

will follow...

Nordanner Tack 

Breeding fee: will come when breedings are open

Breeding rules:

Ste. Lucile Breeding rules Here you can find the breeding rules for all my virtual stables and the kennel. Horses that are open for breeding are also listed here
:star: General Breeding rules: :star:
- If you want to breed to one of my horses please check if they are open for breeding first.
- the breeding fee (breeding price) is normaly listed in the horses reference. If you want to breed to the horse you need to pay the fee to get a breeding. (don't worry I normaly don't ask points but art for a breeding)
- You have to draw a fullbody breeding picture ( must be full shaded and need's a background.)
Important I'm the one who designs the foal (only exeption are breed intern rules that allow the foal owner to design the foal)
- If you want to sell the foal please tell me first I maybe want to buy the foal back.
- Direct Foals out of my horses may not be sold for points. Art is the only accepted payment. Especially if you got the foal for free or for art payment.
- Please check the breed rul

Breeding Slots:

1. mine with  652 The Q Continuum Foal:  9121 HSLG Proxima Centauri (used)
2. for Pumpi12Denise with 6534 BRlS Ombressia Breedingpic :bulletred: Foal :bulletred: (not ready to use)
3. for JotunheimAcres with fav.me/d7am6dn Payment :bulletgreen: 2/2 done Breedingpic fav.me/d7eky5x :bulletgreen: Foal fav.me/d7m76gz :bulletgreen: (used)
4. for MoonyArsaraidh (swapped for a slot to 6140 MFS Nuit D Or)
5. for 
Astralseed (swapped for a slot to 7720 - Mystic Stranger)
6. mine to 
8811 - ASS Lux Mystere (used)
7. mine to 8866 SpookySparkler - foal will be gifted to SweetLittleVampire (used)
8. mine to 4433 Ered Lithui (for a Peafowl Fawn double mutation) (used)
9. mine to 7769 BuD's Romanticised Illusions (for a Candy Cane Peafowl double mutation) (used)
10. reserved for DragonsTigerLilly Payment :bulletred: Breedingpic :bulletred: Foal :bulletred: (not ready to use)




Kaaring points:

6471 HSLG A Tribble in my Pants ** KaaringKaaring Points: 
One registration picture : 1 point 

Bullet; BlackNormal art: 9.5 points
Uncolored art: 0
Headshots and partial body, colored: 0.5

Full body, colored, no or plain backgrounds: 3

Full body, colored, painted backgrounds: 6
Ainmations: 0
Dragon Tack: 0
Bullet; Black Shows and Training: 12 points
Training images:  
 (2 +1)
 (2 +1)
 (2 + 1)
More training by DragonsTigerLilly (2 + 1)
Show entries : 
none yet
Show placings:
None yet
Stories: 2
Guest Arrival
Early Morning Ride
Bullet; BlackPedigree and Offsprings: 41 points

Approved Quality Blood:

Nordanner 2 Star Ribbon by sVa-BinaryStar
for Tribble a model horse
Nordanner breed © Cloudrunner64 
character and design © DatNachtmaehre
Image size
3508x4961px 3.85 MB
© 2013 - 2025 DatNachtmaehre
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Denise262's avatar
Hier ist die Partnerin für Tribble: fav.me/d6xfdco :D