a game created by Hanan ~partiallyHere (https://www.deviantart.com/partiallyhere)
dedicated to those great artists shown here
Thanks dear friends for sharing your art
:iconcreatingarcadia::iconnarva: - :iconlostoneself::iconkizukitamura: - :iconanemiasymptom::iconpartiallyhere: - :icondpressedsoul::icona-parrot: - :iconstephanepellennec::iconpeterle28: - :iconparalleldeviant::iconpsycheanamnesis: - :icondastok::iconvesnasvesna: -:iconbela01::icontuminka: - :iconlomatic::icony5y6: - :iconchriseastmids::iconiizmu: - :iconinvisigoth88::iconincolorwetrust: - :iconanaphenix::iconm-tau: - :iconkayleighjune::iconmweiss-art: - :iconlive4soul::iconmehrmeer: - :iconmelvinhaze::iconspine
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What's New
Hi all :wave:
Lots of stuff happened since my last journal. To be honest, lately it has been a pain to do my daily stuff and keep a routine. I feel like my depression got really bad since Summer, my low moments are a lot more than my good ones and i can't leave my dark hole anymore.
So, last month we got Noa. We rescued her from the street. It has been hard having her, she's just a baby and is destroying all the house lol, but it has been really hard on Luna. Luna is so used to be only her getting our attention, now having another cat its wierd for her. She was also
Es müssen mindestens genau so viele so Klug so gut und so schlau sein wie du es bist damit deine Kunstwerke und Arbeiten Glaubhaft, verstanden oder Akzeptiert werden.