Three of my creations.
Becasuse, sometimes, we all need a little
My handwriting sucksMy handwriting sucks big time
but right now I gotta pee
or my bladder will explode.
As I'm no mermaid at sea.I swear I will find a rhyme
if I do it near a tree
or while squatting on the road.
Ode to a lavatory.
The day I get this on a t-shirt, I'll be so happy.
SuperWhoTrekLocked! Destiel Shipper
TimxKon shipper and I refuse to believe otherwise
I love yaoi, sexy Asian men, milk chocolate, and I make no apologies.
BBC Sherlock, Doctor Who, ST : VOY, Sliders, Max Steel 2013, TMNT, MLP FIM, Poyopoyo Kansatsu Nikki, Inu Yasha, Yoroiden Samurai Troopers, Rurouni Kenshin, Gundam Wing, DC, Marvel, IDW, Japanese culture, Translating Japanese to English (even if I'm a bit rusty with it), Detentionaire (OMG! SERIOUSLY RECOMMEND WATCHING THIS! If you're not hooked by episode 3, you're missing out on something awesome), Motorcity
The confidence that you have in your craft if motivating,
Thanks for saying so but lol I think it's much less confidence, and more of my muses making me go 'I FEEL INSPIRED TO CREATE! WEEEEEEEEE!!!!!' and lol before I know it I have a pile of stuff I've created.
But hey, if this helps you feel motivated to create, then wonderful!