Season 4 in a Nutshelldasprid on DeviantArt

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Season 4 in a Nutshell



Inspired by this post and comments on EQD:…

If you think that something is missing, tell me and I'll try to update it ASAP.

Derpy by Yanoda
Smirk face by CaNoN-lb
Scepter by Takua770
Muffin by FloppyChiptunes
Rainbow Falls key by masemj

Notes (read before making suggestions):
I've tried to exchange the ears with bat ears, but those don't work well with the smirk face.

- Added power pony suit
- Fixed layering issue with collar
- Added mysterious box
- Added shadow
- Added two of the potential keys
- Added rubber chicken key

Now features on EQD. It's actually an older version which still contains layering errors, and someone else animated it a little bit, but I take that as a feature, even though it's missing a link to this original. I blame Sethisto for that ;)

:iconponyscape1plz::iconponyscape2plz: :iconccwelcomedplz1::iconccwelcomedplz2: :iconyouareplz::iconallowedplz:
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic by :iconfyre-flye:, copyright by Hasbro
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