The Blackguarddashinvaine on DeviantArt

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The Blackguard



The Blackguard, Scene 1.

A visual story and ballad by Gordon Napier
sequil to the series 'Expectant'.

next in sequence: [link]


Maulric of Dis, the backguard knight, rides through the forests of lower Aratan, inflated with the pride of the strong, and on his way to claim the prizes of a victor. His captive is the young knight Sikandor, only son of Earl Kaidard, who is the lord of these parts.

The unfortunate Sikandor is bound across his saddle beside his captor, almost as dead as he is alive. Maulric, ere he releases his trophy to Kaidard, will claim the wretched youth's inheritance for his own, his castle and lands. The rogue blackguard has also heard of the beauty of the lady Belarith, younger sister of Sikandor. She too Kaidard will have to surrender if he wishes his son to live...


Maulric the ghastly Blackguard
a man of bitter sin
allied with ranks of demons
and victory did win
And of the knight Sikandor
a captive did he make
and now with that poor youth in chains
he rode, his lands to take.

Through wooded Lower Aratan
Maulric the Black did ride
to the castle he would conquer
and the maid he'd make his bride.
And his bound and beaten captive
was stricken with despair,
for naught could he do to keep
the Blackguard from his sister fair.
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© 2007 - 2025 dashinvaine
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Klomster's avatar
I like the guys pose.

I can imagine him saying to the poor bloke in the background.

-"You know what day it is? It is, I am amazing day! Did you notice that i am amazing today?"
And the page is like.
-"Yes sire, like every day...."

-"HAha! I knew i had missed something, i haven't told ser Joras this yet!"

-"Sire, ser Joras is dead, he's right behind...."