Not out of the Woods rewdashinvaine on DeviantArt

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Not out of the Woods rew



Scene 2 of 'The Blackguard'.
next in Sequence: [link]
Previous in sequence (scene 1): [link]


Odo puts his arm around Asterith and they smile at each other. They have made it into more familiar parts, beyond the realm of the Gargers. All seems peaceful, yet nowhere in these times could truly be regarded safe...

Ballad Version:

A couple walked along the way
close by, and arm in arm
They had born many dangers
but emerged safe from harm
It was Odo, Knight of Esa
the gallant and the bold
And Asterith of Aratan
she with the hair of gold.

And they thought their worst tirals over
and spoke of new days together,
little knowing what awaited
and the storm they'd have to weather.


This follows on almost directly from the 'Expectant' story, the last scene of which is here: [link]

Original (less finished) version of this drawing:

I intend to replace the files on the others as I do them, rather than resubmitting them as I have with this one. Just a heads-up for anyone who took an interest, or who was worried I'd forgotten about the project entirely.
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© 2011 - 2025 dashinvaine
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Vampyre-Lover's avatar
Masterful!!! Love The Amazing Details In This Piece!!!