Couple in the Woodsdashinvaine on DeviantArt

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Couple in the Woods



Scene 3. of 'The Blackguard'. (Start: [link] )

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The couple walk through the hollow, under branches where wood doves have started to coo in the fading light. 'We should look for somewhere to rest the night,' suggested Odo.
'I think we should keep on, we will be out of the woods soon, and at Nazmart before all the light has gone.'
'As you wish. I hope they are hospitable there, friendlier than they were in the last place we visited anyway.'
Asterith smiled. 'These are my people! I think I can vouch for them being friendlier than Gargers! And Earl Kaidard is a good man and an old friend of my master Arrizard. He will receive us with courtesy.'
'Love, I wish you would not refer to Arrizard as your master any longer. You have gone your own way now. Besides Aratan is your land, and you are its rightful Queen, you should have no master here. This Earl Kaidard similarly has a duty to accommodate you as his liege lady.'
'Queen am I? I'll find that easier to believe when I get to sleep in a...' she stopped short.


They walked along the hollow
and soon Odo did suggest
That as night was nigh upon them
that they find a place to rest.
But Asterith urged that they go on,
three miles off at the most
was Nazmart the hall of Kaidard
a good lord and gracious host.
A friend of her master Arrizard
sadly lost now from her sight.
Said Odo 'call no man master
for you are here queen by right!
And Earl Kaidard owes you homage
and to swear a vassal's oath.'
'With a dukedom I'd reward him
for a bed!' the damsel quoth.
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© 2007 - 2024 dashinvaine
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faile35's avatar
And this answers my question about the connection to "Expectant." Cool! Odo is a real hero, and Asterith a real heroine. I'm glad they're going to be sticking around. =)