Green MagusDashingEmperor2010 on DeviantArt

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Green Magus



Of all the sorcerers and mystics of Eludria the Green Magi are the most bizare but are respected and feared all the same for their power comes from another source. A Green Magus is a goblin sorcerer who uses the Tree of Life's magic to take power from the Green Moon, which is said to be home to their gods, the Court of The Green Moon. From this celestial body the goblins gain power over jungles, sands, the green light and even harness the gift called voodoo. Like all sorcerers a Green Magus uses their magic to serve society and to serve the merchang lords of the Commonwealth in return for payment. For all people even fellow sorcerers Green Magi are treated with respect for if they are angered they can call upon the Gods of the Green Moon to rain their wrath upon their foes.

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2550x3509px 1.3 MB
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