Hello everybody! How are you today? I really hope you're all well and safe!
I'm here today to tell you the result of our 2nd ICON CONTEST OF THIS YEAR: I CAN BE YOUR HERO. Our winner is the super talented @DrosselTira with her Sypha cosplay featured down below with some other of his amazing art. Congratz Tira, you're the face of Dashing-Cosplay for the next 3 Months (and maybe more!)
And now, It's time to announce or FIRST ICON CONTEST OF 2022 and the theme this time is LOVE IS IN THE AIR. You may submit any artwork featuring any ROMANTIC COUPLES, INDIVIDUALS DEMONSTRATING LOVE, or ANY FORM OF ROMANTIC STUFF from Anime,
Comics, Video-Games, Books or any other media! I'll choose after at least 3 entries. Submit as many pieces as you want right here: [closed]
BY THE WAY: I'm still looking for more contributors to keep this group even more active, so if you have some free time and would like to help, LET ME KNOW! #ContributorsWanted
And that's it for now guys! Good