Princess Dark Matter Finally DefeatedDashieMLPFiM on DeviantArt

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DashieMLPFiM's avatar

Princess Dark Matter Finally Defeated



The Mane 6(with Megan, Delta Brony, and Starlight Glimmer) has the upper hand, as they use all of their power to defeat the evil Princess Dark Matter once and for all. It was a triumphant victory for these ponies, and one human girl. The magic of friendship will always prevail in Equestria.

Hyper Cutie Mark Mane 6, Megan, and Pricness Dark Matter by :iconyoshigreenwater:
Princess Dark Matter Defeat by :iconmit-boy:
Twilight vector by :icon90sigma:
Pinkie Pie vector by :iconslb94:
Fluttershy vector by :iconhawk9mm:
Rainbow Dash vector by :iconfehlung:
Rarity vector by :iconaethon056:
Applejack vector by :icontryhardbrony:
Delta and Starlight by :iconegegokprochannel:
MLP by Hasbro
Image size
1280x2880px 14.07 MB
© 2016 - 2024 DashieMLPFiM
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Mandelacatalogue's avatar

Okay let’s see what if princess dark matter succeeded and won the victory and the mane 6 gets the bad ending 😈