The Scarlet PimpernelDarthxErik on DeviantArt

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The Scarlet Pimpernel



Yay! An update from DarthxErik! And this time it's from.... "The Scarlet Pimpernel"?!?!!

Yes, ladies and gents! It's a musical that I've been into for quite some time, just haven't had the time to announce it! ha ha.

On the left we have "Percy", the hero of the story-- the Scarlet Pimpernel, who is married to "Marguarite" in the middle. On the right we have Chauvelin (how do I spell his name?), the antagonist. It's a great story of the French Revolution, intrigue, betrayal, and trust! I highly recommend it! Same musical writers that did "Jekyll and Hyde: the Musical."

Happy Valentine's Day!
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RedRoseBlackRibbon's avatar
Yes! This musical needs more love.