DarthStevenus on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/darthstevenus/art/Deus-Ex-skin-pack-update-Augmentations-399044733DarthStevenus

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Deus Ex skin pack update - Augmentations



I've done lots of stuff on this skin pack the past couple of days. I reworked all of the shortcut icons, and the drive icons. Not shown are a bunch of extra shortcut icons that I added for programs other people might use like Photoshop, Illustrator, Google Chrome, Gimp, etc. I also started working on the 'augmentations' skin shown in the center there. The augs skin will show detailed information on your wireless connection, CPU, RAM, operating system, display/GPU, and your fans. There's still a lot to do with this one, and I'm having to learn a lot as I go. When everything is done, there will be a picture of a computer in the center of the skin where Jensen would normally be, and the component you have selected will show over the computer icon as a sort of x-ray image. Look at the augmentation menu in the game to get an idea of what I mean.
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1600x900px 1.54 MB
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