DarthStevenus on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/darthstevenus/art/Animus-skinpack-v1-0-New-version-available-401155537DarthStevenus

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Animus skinpack v1.0 (New version available)



Here is my Animus skinpack. Enjoy, and let me know about any bugs or glitches. Forgot to include the README file. Here it is:

AUTHOR: DarthStevenus


RELEASE DATE: 9/18/2013

DESCRIPTION: A collection of Assassin's Creed 2 inspired skins for Rainmeter. You will need the CoreTemp program to get the temperature of your CPU. Download it here: www.alcpu.com/CoreTemp/

INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Double-click the Rainmeter skin installer file, 'DS_Animus_1.0.rmskin'. By default, the skins will be installed in your My Documents/Rainmeter/Skins directory, under the folder named 'DS_Animus'


RSS - Right-click the RSS skin and click 'Edit skin'. The file should open in your default text editor. Hit Ctrl+F to look for the variable named 'URL'. Replace the default RSS URL, news.google.com/?output=rss, with whichever one you choose. Some RSS feeds may be formatted in strange ways and may not work with my RSS skin.

Weather - Go to www.foreca.com and find your city. Copy the page URL. Right-click the weather skin and click 'Edit skin'. Hit Ctrl+F to find the variable 'WeatherURL'. Replace it with the URL you copied for your city.

CREDITS: Thanks to jsmorley and everyone on the Rainmeter forums. The freeware used in the removeable HDD skins to eject the drive, USB_disk_eject.exe, was found here: quickandeasysoftware.net/ The weather icons I used can be found here: www.deviantart.com/art/plain-w…
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