Paint the Man, Cut the LinesDarthFar on DeviantArt

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Paint the Man, Cut the Lines



Alexander, you must let me be. I have to concentrate.

Paint the man, cut the lines. Cut the flesh, watch the blood spill - LET IT COME!

- Daniel
, Amnesia: The Dark Descent.

100 Pictures Challenge #57: Sacrifice.

Anyone who likes survival horror *needs* to play Amnesia: The Dark Descent. Seriously. I've been lamenting the lack of good scares in western entertainment - and then a friend gives me this game for Christmas, and five minutes into the thing I'm already cowering under my desk. It really is that freaking scary.

So yeah, far too many good scenes to draw; had to doodle one. (Though you don't actually get to see any of them; hell, you don't even get to see what your character Daniel looks like). This is probably not all the Amnesia fan art I'm going to inflict upon you all.

Oh and yes, I've finished the game. I'm actually quite tempted to play it from the start again, but I'm not sure my heart can take it... yet.

[BTW: I based Alexander on the concept art, but I refuse to have anything to do with the Daniel concept due to its sheer anachronism: his coat would look more appropriate on Handel, and *nobody* wore belts OR shirts that buttoned all the way down OR zip-up pants in the 1830s! ...Of course, no self-respecting gentleman would be caught dead without his waistcoat, cravat or coat either, but hey, he's doing very messy things with these victims, so he's probably excused.]

Amnesia: The Dark Descent property of Frictional Games.
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552x723px 363.9 KB
© 2011 - 2025 DarthFar
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TurningLeaves's avatar
This is great! I admit I liked the long hair in the concept art, however archaic and ill-groomed it might have appeared to respectable 1830s gentle society. The clothing was completely off the mark, though. Fly-front trousers were actually fashionable in the late 1830s, but they wouldn't have been worn with boots. Only breeches would be worn with boots. So this, I heartily endorse.