Warning soft vore read at your riskIt was a sunny day the winds blew peacefully in the world, the clouds floated by lazily in the sky, the sun shined brightly in the sky, the place was mainly quiet, you were standing on a plank above a female Sarlacc pit. You had done nothing wrong you assumed they were doing it for the fun of it your parents didn’t stop them or anything in fact they got payed for it, you looked down seeing the Sarlacc’s beak mouth and tentacles you saw no way out of this one, this was the end no choice and no going back you felt some tears slide down your cheek.The Sarlacc was hungry she hadn’t gotten a meal in a few days...
The Land Before Time: The Story of Fang and Stripe by TheETARIS, literature
The Land Before Time: The Story of Fang and Stripe
CrimsonVampiress: The Bright Circle beamed down brightly on the lush green area that was the Great Valley, many of the dinosaurs were on their morning walk to find food or water. Times had been rough for the last few weeks or so and seemed to finally have settled down.
TheETARIS: Within a corner of the Great Valley, a herd of Longnecks had taken refuge after escaping from the Mysterious Beyond. They were grateful for having escaped the dangerous Sharpteeth from the other night, and were planning to eat their fill here at the valley before they would move on.
But amongst them, one particular young Longneck appeared to be wandering off...
CrimsonVampiress: The adults in the group were busy talking amongst one another planning for the trip ahead of them. It was going to still be a rough one; upon leaving the Great Valley, they knew in advance that green food and water would become hard to find. After their run in with the Sharpteeth; many of them were still shaken up.
No one in the
Ricky the Omnivorous Fox's Profile by TheETARIS, literature
Ricky the Omnivorous Fox's Profile
Name: Ricky
Species: Fox
Gender: Male
Age: 10
Height: 0.7m
Weight: 68 kg
Appearance: Fire-engine red in body colour, white on chest, muzzle, belly and tail, black ear-tips, brown paws with slight green shade, deep-brown eyes.
Characteristics: Has a cute smile and grin when happy. Affectionate around friends. Often intimidated by bigger predators and can’t help but cry at times. Does not want to kill innocent animals, but works well in a team when hunting for prey, and allows other team-members to finish them off after catching them.
Food Diet: Being omnivorous, the young fox can eat anything between meat and grass. Even flowers taste nice to him, especially red ones which are his favourite. It’s said that his taste for veggies is due to being born with a genetic defect, but this choice for food unfortunately resulted in his family chasing him away in disgust.
Known History
Birth and early life
When Ricky was born, he was born with a defect within his internal organs, which wasn’t
Ricky's Hungry for the Wolves by TheETARIS, literature
Ricky's Hungry for the Wolves
Within a deep forest, all seemed to be silent and quiet. Only a few sounds of birds chirping nearby could be heard as somewhere within the forest, a herd of deer were grazing quietly together, nibbling at the grass that they found quite delicious.
But they were not alone.
Because if anybody thought that the deer themselves were delicious, the wolves did.
They were slowly sneaking up upon the herd through the bushes nearby, each one licking their lips at the thought of filling their bellies. There were plenty of the tasty cervine to go around.
Then one wolf, obviously the leader of the group, nodded at his fellow canines, to split up and cut off any possible escape routes, so the herd couldn’t hope to get away. Coming in from all directions would make it easier for the wolves to catch them.
The wolves all separated to the sides, slowly making their way around the area to cut the herd off from every possible getaway direction. As soon as they were almost in position, the lead wolf began
Ricky Meets Lilyanne and Luc by TheETARIS, literature
Ricky Meets Lilyanne and Luc
The morning sun began to shine steadily over the forest grounds, through the gaps of the trees that stood like statues holding their giant limbs high above the ground.
It was a lovely day. Birds sung high in the trees, swooping about while their chicks hollered for food from their homes in the nests.
But that day...not all was at peace...
The sound of bushes rustling disturbed the peaceful flow of the forest. They suddenly gave way to a small, red animal dodging at high speed to evade the pursuers on his red furry tail. It was a young fox, a male, with cuts and bruises over its body, spoiling its cute looks for a cub. Not only that, but the cub’s eyes were wet and sore with tears.
From behind, the sound of snarling became evident, as the pursuing wolf pack was not far behind him. The young fox was so frightened that he couldn’t bear to look behind him as he ran for his life. He only wished that he was safe back home in his own den, with his own family.
If only they hadn’t cast him out