Current Residence: Somewhere over the rainbow.. deviantWEAR sizing preference: L Favourite genre of music: Hip-hop, lounge, jazz... Operating System: Ubuntu Favourite cartoon character: Bip-bip !!!!!
S.Mos, when Jazz meet Hip-Hop.An excellent discography to discover on the main site web of S.Mos page : page : can listen it for free on the myspace web page.All the bestRom
"Going Candid..."A book about street photography in the
digital age. Forget what you know about
street photography and read how Thomas
Leuthard (85mm) explores the street with
his camera. Find useful tips and tricks on
how to approach people, getting closer to
them and get the best out of you street
experience. His workflow starts without a
camera and ends in the galeries of this
World. It's not about the decisive moment
or how you setup your camera. It's more
about the approach of getting a success-
ful street photographer who will build a
successful community around the World.
It's all about sharing and socializing. You
will be taken to ...